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Home / Blog / Aluminium packaging: loads of benefits!

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Aluminium packaging: loads of benefits!

Aug 02, 2022

Tins, trays, tubes and foil—aluminium is used in many forms of packaging. One of the most popular forms of aluminium packaging is the tin. Tins are strong and sustainable. But there are numerous other benefits. Let’s talk about them!

Aluminium packaging is airtight and moisture-proof

There is a variety of reasons why aluminium packaging could be an excellent option for you. Firsy of all, it seals excellently. The product you are packing will be packaged airtight and moisture-proof in a top-class aluminum tin that comes with a screw lid. Which means aluminium packaging is extremely suitable for packaging food, as well as cosmetics. It guarantees shelf life and, in some cases, even extends it. For instance, peppermints keep their bite, and blush powder stays nice and soft in the aluminium tin.

Strong and sustainable aluminium packaging 

Aluminium packaging is lightweight but strong, which, as well as making it long-lasting, also means that it requires minimal, or even no, secondary packaging. This is beneficial when it comes to transport and also makes it sustainable. Because it is so strong, aluminium packaging lasts for ages. Which, in turn, also makes the material sustainable.

Given that the material lasts so long, it also increases the promotional value. As for why an aluminum tin adds to the promotional value even more, we will return to that later on in this article.

Recycling aluminium packaging

As we now know, aluminium packaging is sustainable because it is strong. However, aluminium packaging is also favourable from a recycling point of view. The material is extremely suitable for recycling and retains its quality at all times. Incidentally, this is almost always true in the case of tin packaging. Both producers and consumers see sustainability as an important prerequisite when it comes to packaging material. And if this is what you’re after, you’re on the right track with an aluminium tin!

Promotional value

As mentioned above, aluminium packaging can also provide enormous promotional value. At the JXW TIN Box, you can have aluminum cans printed with a logo or message. Since this material remains looking good and strong for ages, whoever receives it will almost always hold onto it for many years to come. Especially if it is beautifully embossed. Which means your logo or message will catch the eye long after it has been received. An aluminium tin could use as a giveaway at a trade fair or other event. You could use it to package peppermints, sweets, or possibilities are endless!

So, aluminium packaging has numerous benefits. It seals excellently to lock out air and moisture, which makes it perfect for packing food, as well as herbs and spices or cosmetics. The material is strong and sustainable and also has enormous promotional value. Would you like to find out more more about the possibilities of aluminium packaging?

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